Sample Management made easy!

SKU [Stock Keeping Unit] is the lifeline of any retail or supply chain business. There are several industry solutions in the market that manages product life cycle once a SKU is assigned to a product. When it comes to handling pre-SKU stage, companies use email, phone calls, and various other means to handle vendor communication. It becomes difficult for the Distributors to do any kind of data analytics to measure the quality of vendors consistently. We have a solution!

SKUline is our cloud-based B2B solution that automates the pre-SKU process

  • Web application with a responsive design [access from any device, anywhere]
  • Allows vendors to sign up online and upload their product designs
  • Distributors can receive product notifications and send messages to vendors
  • Online collaboration tool with the ability to provide Text / Voice comments
  • QRCode tracking of the sample shipments from vendors using the iOS app
  • Search products quickly and connect to vendors from the mobile device(s)
  • Track product status from a life cycle standpoint from idea to SKU [Concept stage, Internal PD, Sample requested, Sample received, Sample approved, Production]
  • BI / Dashboard reports

SKUline acts as the communication channel between Distributors and Vendors. We provides the platform for vendors to upload their product designs, send samples, read comments, respond to distributors and track their product status online.

Supplier sourcing from your mobile device! SKUline helps Distributors to look up products, verify vendor profile, provide text / voice comments on products, contact vendors on-demand and run dashboard reports. It is a great collaboration tool tracking new products from conceptual design to production.